Learning More About Separation Anxiety Disorder

Separation anxiety is a form of anxiety that occurs when someone is separated from someone to whom they are attached. Normally, this is seen in small children, and it can also continue well into adolescence and adulthood in some cases. Sometimes, it can impair social skills, academics and even a career. It has to do with someone feeling that something harmful will happen to their loved one while they are away from them. It makes the person afraid to be left alone without the one they love. Separation Anxiety Disorder in Children In children, separation anxiety is very common. This is especially true when it is time for the first to start preschool or elementary school. If they have been accustomed to being with their parent all the time, then suddenly they have to be away from them for most of the day, which can lead to some anxiety. Some symptoms include headache, upset stomach, and even sometimes vomiting. Sometimes, children may even have bad dreams about separat...