The Need for Continuous Home-Based Stroke Rehabilitation Programs

Once you have started a stroke rehabilitation program, it is important to continue it at home. If you want to have a chance of making a full recovery, this is vital. While the recovery starts in the hospital, the majority of it will be done once the patient goes home.

In 2005, a survey showed that just over thirty percent of the people who survive a stroke were able to get the rehabilitation they needed to help them recover fully. Less than ten percent of people who have had a stroke in the past two years received physical therapy or occupational therapy. On the flip side, those with a much better success rate in overcoming their disabilities could focus on relearning their abilities and compensating for lost abilities.

stroke rehabilitation

One of the most significant factors that played a part in patients not getting the stroke rehabilitation they needed was cost. Sometimes, people may have just not wanted to seek help from the therapists, thinking that they could do it independently. The truth is that the therapy makes it much easier to overcome problems that come about from stroke.

The good news is that because of this study, some psychologists were able to develop a program that allowed them to transfer skills from the hospital caregivers to the family members that were going to be around the patient once they went home. This helped them to get the assistance they needed from home. This program is known as Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy. It has three different components and is focused on behavioral intervention.

As a part of this program, patients will be able to apply the things they learn to their life, and it can play an essential role in their Stroke Rehabilitation. They will start by tracking their progress in writing, talking to their therapists over the phone, and monitoring their behavior.

It has been studied significantly, and it has been discovered that the patients who used this program were the ones that had a lot better improvement after their stroke. The problem is that people need to get the education they need to take part in this type of stroke rehabilitation. This will help to provide more consistent stroke aftercare.

As you can see, stroke rehabilitation is very important once the patient is released from the hospital. Make sure that you are well aware of it and open to learning everything you can to help your loved one get through this experience.


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